Sunday, August 31, 2008

Another busy Sunday

So it is another busy Sunday but I decided to take a moment out to write. In the words of the old Negro Spiritual "It's another day's journey and I'm glad." PJ (the four year old) is beside me distracting me so if you suddenly see gibberish on the screen, chalk it up to a preschooler. I try to read my fellow life purpose coach blogs and websites fairly regularly and I am so proud of the work these ladies are doing, particularly my instructor, Kelly Thorne and also a wonderful Canadian, Rosalie Garde.

My son keeps doing things that he is not supposed to do and when asked why, invariably answers, "I don't know." And we do the same things whether it is about our wellness, habits, or other areas of our lives. Like little PJ, our answers may range from pleading ignorance or go from the ridiculous to the sublime. I always tell PJ that "I don't know is not an acceptable answer for our own personal behavior." What if we held ourselves to that same standard?

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