Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Knockout Entrepreneur

Flip over a copy of George Foreman’s Knockout Entrepreneur and you will notice in bold letters the following declaration:  “Champions in business are not born. They are made.” The back cover states that “Foreman equips you with principles and strategies to help you come out swinging…” The chapters titles read like a boxing manual with names like “Listen to Your Corner” and “Never Listen to the Crowd.” This book was a quick, easy read written in an avuncular tone that makes you envision Foreman’s endearing grin. Foreman uses examples from his own boxing career and well as other entrepreneurs and celebrities, such as Paula Deen.
        While the book does include the promised principles and strategies, I think the biggest thing the book accomplishes is to inspire and motivate people, not just entrepreneurs. With quotes such as “Today, I may die, but I must get up. I never again want to live with the knowledge that I could have gotten up and didn’t,” readers walk through the valley of determination that will energize the entrepreneurial spirit. While the Biblical message is subtle, it is clear and successfully communicates how Foreman applied his Christian faith to the ring, his family, and the boardroom. Foreman lists four winning qualities:  honesty, enthusiasm, confidence, and courage. He has these qualities in spades and the “Knockout Ideas to Stimulate Your Success” asks the thought-provoking questions to spur readers on to the next step.
        This book is not a how-to book for aspiring entrepreneurs. Rather, this book is a what-to book that will help you sharpen your skills and keep you motivated. What-to do such as the familiar dress for success advice  He also discusses the toughest steps to success as well as his own personal failures and shortcomings. Foreman said, “If I could give you one piece of advice that would make you more successful, I’d say read.” I’ll end this review echoing his advice but adding this:  read Knockout Entrepreneur.

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers

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