Thursday, September 4, 2008

What would you do for Diddy?

I have been watching the tv show “I Want to Work for Diddy.” The show is similar to “The Apprentice” with more of a vibe where James Bond meets hip-hop. On a recent episode, contestants were challenged to create a viral video with the theme “What would you do for Diddy?” Men got waxed, women plucked out their eyelashes and snorted Vodka up their noses. People on the street danced and allowed themselves to be written on.

It made me think of how we complain about what we do for God and place limitations on our involvement. If were asked to do any of those things in the name of Jesus, we would find it demeaning, beneath us somehow. Isaiah 58:10 says “If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like noonday.” While we all have to rest and recharge, it is clear that our greatest investment is in each other.

Spend freely

        Spend generously

                Spend often


Spend yourself as if you were making the “What Would You Do For God?” viral video.

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