Rush, rush, hurry, hurry might be the lyrics to a Paula Abdul song but today it must be my life’s anthem. Today, I missed my workout because I had to take my one year son to the doctor post-haste to make sure he was current on his immunizations so he could get into a toddler school program. Then, I rushed to work. My co-worker, who in addition to her Fleet Management duties was an aerobic instructor died of a massive heart attack and her funeral is today. But, of course her funeral is the same time as my older son’s pre-school orientation. Then, this also conflicts with the wellness class I teach Thursday nights at church, so I had to cancel it. Everything is such a rush for me.
Labor Day is approaching and I’m glad for a day from work…or should I say, my day job. Because I plan to use that day to catch up on my fundraising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s team-in-training (I’m training for the Walt Disney World marathon) and for everything else I am so behind on. I’ve always heard the expression “no rest for the weary.” I’m beginning to wonder if the expression is really as my co-worker states “No rest for the wicked!” Have I done something to deserve this?
Here I am with my honored teammate, Harry Rogers. My whole family has gotten into this. My 62 year old mother is running. My cousin Sandy, the world’s greatest photographer http://www.sandyjenetephotography.blogspot.com/ is running with her mother and her son, who will be a junior this year. My sons will be doing the diaper dash and toddler trot. We have started a blog about the three generations of us running. http://3generationsrunning.blogspot.com/ . If you want to give, my Team in Training website is http://pages.teamintraining.org/nce/wdw09/mpattermy6
Oh well, I know everyone, especially the parents of tots are equally stretched out, so in the words of my pastor, “Stop Complaining!” (www.cmbchurch.com) In two years time, I’ve watched three seemingly healthy and young co-workers die suddenly, unexpectedly, with no previous illness. You just can’t take anything, anyone, any day for granted. I just need to keep in mind Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, …plans to give you hope and a future…” Vs. 13 says You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” It seems that you have to make time to do the seeking. There is purpose behind everything going on. But you can’t see your purpose if you get so caught up in the busyness of life.